Jtti April promotion, 40% off on Hong Kong cluster servers/US cluster servers, minimum monthly payment starts at $218.6

April promotion: All Jtti site cluster server products can enjoy a 40% discount. The minimum monthly payment for the multi-C segment 253IP site cluster server is $218.6. The package comes standard with 500G SSD/E5-2660 CPU. The network type defaults to CN2 GIA bandwidth@traffic is not available limit. Currently, data centers in Hong Kong, China and … Read more

9 Data Security Best Practices for Enterprise Businesses

Behind every dynamic website and interactive application is a database that stores critical information. Every organization that owns an application — native or web — understands that databases are key to their success. That explains why you’re reading this guide. You want to learn about database security best practices so you can implement them for … Read more

Hello Web Geeks

Hello Everyone. I am very excited to be a part of this community. We look forward to discussions regarding new technologies in the cloud and web hosting industries. Big thanks to the administrators for managing this. From entire team at Skynats- Server Management team supporting web hosting and cloud platforms. Source link

How Much To Charge for Website Maintenance

Key points Website maintenance activities ensure that the website continues to perform optimally. Some examples of maintenance activities include hosting and domain renewals, backups, application and content updates, tracking and security monitoring, server maintenance, search engine optimization, and technical support. Website maintenance is important to keep speed and performance at maximum, ensure the site is … Read more

7 WooCommerce Booking and Appointment Plugins

Have you ever felt like those circus performers who spin 20 different plates on sticks as they ride a unicycle? Sometimes, running your own business can feel a lot like that. You’re filling every role from HR and bookkeeping to order fulfillment and CEO. Maintaining your sanity as your business grows requires leveraging innovative tools … Read more

Hi Everyone

I am new to this forum, have been active on other hosting forum but had never heard of this one. Great to know about this huge community. Hello everyone Source link

What Is Virtual Infrastructure and How Is It Managed?

Virtual infrastructure is a software-driven server environment. Businesses receive the same power and resources (i.e., storage, CPU space, memory, etc.) of a physical hosting environment without the maintenance and upkeep since virtual infrastructure is primarily delivered via a cloud environment.  IT teams can allocate and deploy these resources much faster than their physical counterparts, allowing … Read more

How plans of big giants affect web hosting providers like you.

Recently I found a 100 year domain registration plan by WordPress while searching about WordPress regarding my new release of video tutorials on WordPress. I was looking how WordPress related videos can bring viewers for hosting companies as WordPress has over billions of websites on it and I found this plan. Chances are your WP … Read more