August’s Best WordPress Tweets | Nexcess

What can we say about August? Kids are getting ready for the new school year. We’re all saying “aargh” between the humidity and International Pirate Month. Everyone’s looking forward to that sweet, sweet three-day weekend coming up for Labor Day. We also celebrated at WordCampUS in Maryland.

Let’s keep cool by checking out the best WordPress tweets of August.

A new day, a new dawn, a new WordPress version

Richard Tabor posted a great thread about WordPress 6.3 that catches you up on all of its bells and whistles.

KafleG repped the coolest clique in the WordPress school cafeteria.

Felix Arntz was talking up WordPress 6.3’s huge performance boost.

Feel the WordPress love

Geek goddess and star of The Guild and Supernatural Felicia Day headed to Twitter for advice on redoing her personal website with WordPress.

Warren Laine-Naida learned how to fake a smile while migrating away from WordPress.

Get the WordPress party started

The WordPress crew showed gratitude for contributors at the Community Summit.

Blake Bertuccelli-Booth wanted to be(ad) your new best WordPress friend.

Brad Williams opened up a dialogue on what everyone loves about attending WordCampUS. For us, it’s what swag Field Manager Christine Clauder picked out.

See you in September

If you want us to wake you up when September ends, we’ll have all new tweets for you next month. While you’re here, check out our super fast, scalable WordPress hosting options for all your hosting needs.

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